And by all accounts, it should have been delayed further. Highlights Battlefield 2042 is the latest title in the Battlefield franchise It is releasing this week, after being pushed back almost a month Battlefield 2042’s open beta was released in early October Battlefield 2042 is the latest game in the first-person shooter franchise by Electronic Arts (EA). Battlefield 2042 was delayed into November, after all. I guess we’ll see if that happens or not, but it would be a pretty epic move on Microsoft’s part-and not really intentional, either. If Microsoft does surprise release Halo: Infinite tomorrow it’s going to be a deathblow to Battlefield 2042, which already faces stiff competition from Vanguard. Many gamers are giving up after playing the 10-hour Game Pass/EA Play “demo” and heading back to franchise favorite Battlefield 4. Battlefront 2 and its loot boxes comes to mind, but even Battlefield 5 was poorly received especially compared to previous entries in the series. Unfortunately for publisher and developer alike, this is all eerily reminiscent of other recent DICE releases. An unknown event causes almost all satellites. Whether that was DICE’s original plan and the whole thing was mysteriously scrapped, or whether EA has simply slipped back into old, bad habits and rushed this game out the door will probably remain a mystery. Steve Haske -, 12:22 PM A sandstorm, one of the effects of climate change on Battlefield 2042 's (environmentally toothless) world. No server browser, because you don't need one in BR.The + system for weapons, instead of ground loot attachments.Silly long timing when you're downed with no visibility for medics, because initially it should be only your BR squad that can revive you.Huge maps (too big for normal BF gameplay, even for 128 players).“They 100% planned to make a BR and changed course during the development. One reddit user made a list of complaints / missing features and theorized that the game was originally going to be a battle royale and was changed last minute. That only gets me 10 hours, but something tells me I won’t need more than that-at least not until basic features like voice chat make an appearance.
Battlefield 2042 metacritic Pc#
I’m going to hop into Battlefield 2042 myself shortly and take it for a spin on PC via my Game Pass subscription. We’ll see if that’s even remotely possible to deliver.MORE FROM FORBES 'Call Of Duty: Vanguard' Review: The Good, The Bad, And The Zombies By Erik Kain And it’s not just bug fixes required to get it back on track, it’s dozens of missing or cut features fans want back as well. Most Battlefield games launch a little bit rough, but 2042 is opening worse than nearly any iteration we’ve seen before in many ways. Is Battlefield 2042 actually the 8th worst game on the entirety of Steam? Probably not, but this is one of the only ways fans can make their displeasure known, and a vocal contingent is not happy with how EA chose to release the game.
Battlefield 2042 metacritic free#
It’s free to play, sure, but that’s still something that would have almost been unthinkable a while ago, a combination of love for Halo and Battlefield struggling hard.

Wildly, Halo Infinite actually surpassed Battlefield 2042’s concurrent numbers on Steam this week. And now, in addition to the game being poorly received among the playerbase, has also had Halo Infinite’s multiplayer launch dropped on top of it. Players were concerned that early tests of Battlefield 2042 ahead of launch showed a game that probably needed to be delayed further to be more polished, but EA went ahead with the launch.