Getting school for yourself or family is a great benefit to take full advantage of. Students who are actively failing they continue to accept their money even if they are failing. They focus more on number of students than quality. They prefer money over quality of education with students. There have been cheating caught and students continue in the program. Tests online are not reviewed for cheating. Students are not upheld to policies in place regarding testing. Anyone should always experience it for themselves and soon will understand why. The Parsippany location is not a great location to work for. The company itself is nice to work for depending again on the location. Everyone is expected to do everyone else’s work if able to not considered just for the pandemic a person had temporary restrictions. After covid the location in Parsippany did not support staff that needed accommodations for the active covid restrictions still in place. They will terminate you without hesitation to protect their image with the clients regardless of inaccuracies of complaints.Depending on the location hired for there are available accommodations. If a complaint is filed they will automatically suspend you and not tell you anything then surprise you with the complaints and expect you will answer for them immediately with no preparation. They will tell you complaints are handled by an independent third party, they are not, they are investigated in house. The other staff members at the site were wonderful to work with. The one off site director was extremely high strung but still supportive. The on site director was extremely supportive. My off site Orbis manager was actually nice and supportive, the on site program director was vengeful. This was one of the most interesting jobs I have held to date. I regularly worked 4-8 hours of overtime each week and when separating from the company I was not reimbursed for the extra time I put in, including required overtime! One of the Instructors would make unrealistic demands and then complain that the work was not completed. I put in maximum effort with no appreciation. I was regularly discouraged from trying to advance the program using realistic real world experience. but as I progressed I was met with unrealistic expectations and an horrible unproductive attitude from the program director. It's unfortunate, because the mission of educating nurses and other healthcare workers is so important and relevant (especially now!) This company would need a serious ideological overhaul on every single level of the org chart in order to be a tolerable place to work. But looking back, I can now see that the cracks were there all along, and the pandemic just exposed them. It was expanding very rapidly during my time there, and it was easy to blame the ethical issues on that. DEI is not a priority in any way, shape or form, which is a big part of why it's so cut-throat. Processes and procedures, at least while I was there, only encouraged this atmosphere. If you don't have the stomach to go Machiavellian and throw people under the bus left and right, or even if you're just not that great at office politics, I recommend you do not apply. (Don't be fooled by any talk of "family," "collaboration," "inclusion," etc.) If you are someone who is naturally cut out for that kind of environment, you will probably be repeatedly promoted in a very short amount of time, often with little regard for your actual experience or hard skills. This is a "survival of the fittest" workplace. The most enjoyable part of the job-the day after I left, the stress just rolled off! It's a shame students pay premium prices for education and they are treated in such a demeaning manner. If partners were aware of their abuse of power, lack of accountability, and transparency, they would not do business with Orbis. I was called at the clinical site and told to not come back, finish my paperwork by noon the next day. There was no investigation or discussion with me about their concerns. Complaints "reported" were bogus and manufactured and treated as gospel truth. But this made management at Orbis furious, and I was thrown under the bus. At least someone was aware of the issues. IT support was "watch the tutorials." In a short time, I learned to include the partner education facility in all communication. Tools were missing important information. I did not get answers to questions and concerns. I am a former employee and most of the time, I was not aware of who was my supervisor.